What first got you interested in coffee?
I first got interested in coffee because there were so many different ways to brew it. On top of that, there are so many ways to make a better cup through small tweaks and changes! There’s always more to learn and that’s what is most intriguing to me.
What part of the coffee industry do you find the most interesting?
Right now, I am really interested in the roasting process and how all of that works.
What’s something you have learned about coffee roasting in the last year?
One myth I’ve recently had debunked is that darker coffee doesn’t have more caffeine, but a cup of darker coffee might have slightly more than a cup of a light roast. That’s only because you brew coffee based on weight, and light roast coffee is more dense than a dark roast.
If you could drink just one coffee for the rest of your life, what would it be?
I would drink Ethiopia as an iced pour over. I love bright coffees!
What hobbies do you spend time on outside of coffee?
My husband and I travel and lead worship together. I also spend a good amount of my time snuggling my two basset hounds, Wilbur and Maggie.
What book have you read recently that you would recommend to others
Maybe cliche, but the Bible is really the book I’ve read the most. I’d recommend that to anyone!
If you could travel to just one place that you have never been to, where would it be?
My dream is to go to Greece one day.
Why have you chosen to work in coffee?
I initially got into the coffee industry as a barista mostly for the opportunity to make someone’s day with a good drink, but it’s grown into a passion to learn as much as I can about coffee and the whole process — from getting the green coffee to brewing the perfect cup.
Who are some individuals in coffee that you look up to?
I don’t have a specific person, but I love Madcap and every coffee I’ve ever had from them.
Why have you chosen to work for Connect?
I’ve known Caleb for a few years now and have watched Connect develop and grow. It’s an exciting company to be a part of and I feel like I can grow and be given great opportunities through Connect.
What are some facts about you that most people would not know?
I know every word to the movies Nacho Libre and Napoleon Dynamite.
Do you have a favorite quote or mantra that you live by?
I don’t really have a specific quote, I just like to read the Bible and let that dictate how I live my life.